Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I’ve Traveled That Way Before

A few days back I decided a ride to Port Townsend sounded like a fun way to spend a Saturday. Despite the Hood Canal Bridge being closed which meant a much longer trip, and although we had driven this way many times before, I was optimistic. “It will be fun taking the slow route through Belfair, Union, Hoodsport, Liliwaup, Brinnon and such. I told myself relax, slow down and see what the road will bring.
We stopped for lunch at the Chimacum Café, burger for him French dip for moi.

Here’s one of my favorite PT places to eat just because of their sign.

I had to take pictures of the boats while hubby patiently waited.

I’ve just started trying to take photos from the Harley while moving. It’s a bit challenging holding on to gloves camera and case. While capturing the cows I caught both of us repeated in mirror, how fun!

How many times have we driven by the Center Cemetery, never stopping?

The graves were framed in concrete. I wonder if these use to be foundations of buildings.
One even had what looked like a step where a door may have stood.
Some of the graves were hidden, caressed by tree and fern.

The saddest testament to a soul lost to time. Who was this precious one?

On the way home we stopped to take a picture of one my favorite sign on 101 North.

If you ever ride the slow road to Port Angeles, Sequim or Port Townsend, watch for this great “Haunt”. What fun loving person decided to use Neon for such a utilitarian sign?


Cindy said...

Your young brave self is showing in that picture of you taking a picture off the Harley! You go girl!

Melis said...

Hey! I can leave a comment now! Whoo hoo! Love the photos Vonnie! You've got me wanting to head out for an aimless drive. :)

Jenny said...

looks like you had fun. I love rides like that. We went on the mountain loop highway awhile back, that was fun. Except that we were driving our pretty much brand new car, and the road gets pretty scarey in places!

Tink said...

Terrific shot of the cows and soulmate bikers!! Vroooooom vroooooom!