Friday, September 11, 2009

Many Ugly Owls Mocking Me

My daughter loves owls. Not the kind you find in the barns, or that infamous spotted owl, but the species that probably haunts the memory of anyone who grew up in the seventies. You know the kind I’m talking about, kitschy owls made of ceramic, plastic and wood. They were usually found hanging around macramé plant hangers or staring back at you from the front of grandma’s fridge. That’s where I found these.

My grandmother’s collection of owls was destined for the trash until I decided to revamp them into a fun gift for my seventies loving girl.
Adding lines from songs, I gave them each a tune to sing like... “Who Let the Dogs Out”, Who Are You? Who who, who, Who”, and my personal favorite… “Who Ya Gonna Call? GhostBusters!” Then I shipped them ( seven and counting) off to Florida.
The other day I was wandering the second hand store when I realized I was being mocked by feathered knick knacks. Suddenly they were everywhere.

Within a matter of ten minutes I saw more owls than I care to count. There were cookie Jar owls,

Note holder owls, salt and pepper owls...

Just plain no explaining why anyone would ever own them UGLY owls.

Stop it I say, enough I cry. The next thing you will tell me is that orange velvet rockers are coming back in style. Now that’s just crazy!


Cindy said...

I love love love the magnets you sent to dear daughter!
And it looks like some one took their Nana's owl collection Goodwill. That one is horrendous...ew. are sitting in an orange chair. Is it in your garage?

Love your post.

Tink said...

Clever as always my dear friend..."Who's been sitting in my chair, said mamma bear?"

Faith said...

Love love love the owls! Except for the last one that looks like a hunk of wood. ;-)