Sunday, February 15, 2009

Linen Memory

There is something magical about an old “linen” postcard. They are tiny windows on a past that exists only in our mind's eye. I suppose some would call them kitsch because their simple drawings and un-realistic colors are more than a little sentimental. But I choose to honor the creators of these bits of whimsy. I appreciate their commitment to the idea that the reality of a subject sometimes is not as important as the feeling or mood left after the viewing. They take me back to the blue perfume blowing off my first moonlit lake, the icy chill of red and green light on grandma’s aluminum Christmas tree, the sweet pink melody in a bag of cotton candy.

I found this Linen PC from 1943 a few days ago and brought it home to live with the photo I took of this lighthouse on the Washington Coast.
I can’t seem to find the matching photo in the jumble of my life, so I have enclose another. This is the Point Pinos Light near Monterey California on Thanksgiving Day 2006. Followed by the vintage linen I purchased off e-Bay. Which do you prefer?


Cindy said...

Those postcards are so pretty. I forgot you collected the linen ones...just thought you were buying that lighthouse one to do the photo comparison.
Fun collection.

Yve said...

I'm with you. I like the postcards more for same reason I think the Technicolor movies from the 50's and 60's are magical. Gene Kelly would not have been half as believable or interesting walking down the streets of Brigadoon had the colors have been "real to life". It was the surreal color that made us part of the fairytale.