Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Been a Long Time Coming

My creative juices have a tendency sometimes dry up for a season. I will start a project and months or years later find myself picking it up again only to be surprised how much time has really past. I think that is one of the things I love about cameras. They capture the moment and hold it there suspended in time until you discover it anew.
When my daughter returned from living in London in 2004 she brought me back a vintage Kodak Cresta to add to my collection.

This camera has sat on my shelf since then except for a few outings but I could not recall where I took it or what snippets of time it held inside.
Recently I decided to ramp up my camera collecting and with that my old dream of developing at home. Inside Cresta was a roll of Arista 127 black and white I had loaded back in 2005. I gave it 4 minutes at 68 degrees with Kodak HC 110 solution B, the images were overexposed and a bit shaky, probably due to a sticky shutter, but with a little tweaking at last the story of the Cresta roll is revealed.
The first images were from a trip we took down 101 on the Oregon Coast.

Umpqua River Lighthouse

Paradise Café, Port Orford, Oregon

Sometime in 2006 or 2007 I took the camera on a day trip to Sequim, Washington.

Old Dungeness Schoolhouse
Then on my daughter’s wedding day I grabbed the camera and captured this shot of her vintage wedding dress.

Shelby in front of the Courthouse 

And finally  some of the images I took recently to finish out the roll so I could develop.

Harper, Washington 
            Retsil Cemetry Port Orchard, Washington


Cindy said...

What fun surprises you found. So cool that you are enjoying your camera's and developing.

Tink said...

Wonderful, simply wonderful~ This is going to be so fun to watch you do more developing!!!

Melis said...

I love them! I can't wait to see what all the other cameras' pictures look like!